Tuesday, April 26, 2022


 AP 2021 Digital Exhibit: See link to read artist statements and see more works by AP artists around the world

Aiden Sung: 2D portfolio

Levitate|9 x 11.5 in.

Idea: Throughout the investigation, I have distorted figures to depict the various struggles of individuals during adolescence. I experimented with the rhythm of shapes to express human emotion.  

Material(s): Original photography and found image collage on hardboard

Process(es): Distorted a room scene and layered a stretched face in order to express the loneliness of isolation

Kenneth Qian: Drawing Portfolio

37 x 15 in

Idea(s): A exaggerated environment in which people have constructed a house within the giant tree to live in

Materials(s): India Ink, Photoshop, Watercolor, Tubed Gouache, Pastel Stick

Process(es): After inking and coloring the piece, the colors felt plain so I edited the colors using photoshop

Janet Lee: Drawing Portfolio
American Dream, 13 x 16in
Materials: Gouache, Prismacolor pencils, crayon, britol paper
Processes: Layered prismacolor, gouache multiple time to achieve fleshy texture

Anastasia Hauser: Drawing Portfolio

Green-House, 17.5 x 12 in.

Ideas: Green house design with intended effect of looking as if peering through a glass panel.

Materials: Clear acrylic board, acrylic paint, finishing spray, and pen.

Processes: Experimented with acrylic and reverse painting, drawn on the front and back of a clear material

John Benitez: 2D portfolio

14 x 11 in.

Materials: Mixed Media, Chine Colle, dried plant material, oil based inks, and silver foil.
Mixed media combined to utilize textures to create an impression of movement, depth, and color.

Asli Soydan: 3D portfolio

22.8  x  7  x 7.8 in.

Idea(s): Built houses in a way that no occupant view is blocked and used fewer as the structure ascended.

Material(s): Tree branch, chopstick, air dry ceramic clay, toilet paper, aluminum -Al- foil, liquid glue, flour.

Process(es): Covered Al foil rock with Wc paper dipped in glue/flour mix. Added Tree branches and chopsticks.

Jessica McCann: 3D Portfolio

Consumption|2.75  x  5.25  x .5 in.

Ideas: The inner battle/struggle to not be consumed by self-hatred and fear, but to be free from my anxiety

Materials: Nickel sheet metal and wire

Processes: Wearable mouthpiece created by piercing nickel sheet and soldering nickel wire with butterfly wings.

Connor Malone: Drawing Portfolio

Voluntary Femininity-16 x 18in

Idea(s): After a lifetime of femininity being expected of me, I want to reclaim it. 

Material(s): Oil paint on canvas

Process(es): Aimed to create as full of a composition as possible, without it being cluttered.

Anya Kaloo: 3D portfolio

FREEFLOWING / 19 x 17.5 x 22in

Idea(s): RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD -feeling free, confident, secure shown by the flowing form fr 1 part to another

Material(s): rattan sticks, driftwood, tissue paper, lights -three walls expand -complete openness to God

Process(es): through experiment-applying more glue creates the dark shadow spot effect, signifying my imperfection

Avery Vang: 3D portfolio

Echo -- 40 x 80 x 10

Idea: My sustained investigation was guided by the questions: How can I depict sound through fabric? How can I implement sound into my designs?

Material(s): Muslin Cardboard Black acrylic paint Copper wire Rubber tape Hot glue Zipper Sewing machine Thread

Process(es): Cut cardboard pieces, taped them to wire, wrapped them in fabric, painted them, attached to dress

Jennifer Turner: Drawing

Him with the Golden Hour  12 x 12 in

Materials: Acrylic, india ink, 23k gold leaf stretched on canvas

Processes: Subject depicted in a state of mental wonderment. Experimentation with gold leafing

Julia Ambros: 3D portfolio

Popocatépetl y Iztaccíhuatl, |14 x 12 x 6 in.

Ideas: An immigrant mother's love is chronicled in the vignettes, while the dogs scatter over the homeland.

Materials: Ceramic: Porcelain fired at Cone 10 Reduction. Surface: Tenmoku and Carbon Trap Glaze, Underglaze.

Process: CA pack of dog figures migrate over mountains, translating 2D lines of writing to a 3D narrative.

Jasmine Harrick

The Star Harvesters -- 24 x 18 in

Idea(s): I dreamed of a place where stars are harvested. Windows through the sky. Jelly stars.

Materials(s): paper/watercolor/razor. Materials inspired by fairytale illustrations.

Process(es): High arches to create feelings of spaciousness. Limited warm color to draw attention to the figures.

Maria Braun: 3D portfolio

Big Teeth|5.5 x 13 x 1.5 in.

Idea: Wanted to have something human, like a mouth, but also animalistic with big teeth.

Material(s): acrylic paints, moldable plastics, liquid latex, tissues, cotton balls, Mod Podge, hot glue, fabric mask

Processes: made plastic teeth and fitted them to mask, painted it, added drool and blood

Oliver Benbow: 2D portfolio

25.5 x 21.5 in.

Material(s): Micron pen: thin/ precise lines. Dip pen: line variation/ texture. Watercolor: transparent, bright.

Process(es): Heads show multiple gender identities within one person. Clothing shows creativity and flamboyancy.

Ray Wang: 3D portfolio

Reforested|210 x 80 x 256 in. 

Ideas: The pavilion imitates being under trees, emphasizing verticality in nature/architecture.

Material(s): Stock 3D Tree, Person Model, V-Ray, Rhino 6

Process(es): Repetition of accent elements to break the architectural plane and add contrast between materials.

Yulong Pan: Drawing Portfolio

The Net | 60 x 48 in.

Idea(s): The 2D painting displays multiple perspectives that show a more holistic view of the figure.

Materials(s): Oil on canvas.

Process(es): I painted them on separate pieces of canvas using oil paints and then put these paintings together.