Sunday, August 8, 2021

Christian Boltanski: Witness

 Christian Boltanski: From the Exhibition 'Witness' at the MFA-Houston

From the exhibition statement: "Memorializing the destruction of life and culture in the Holocaust, the sculptures have the aura of religious shrines. Here, the faces of Jewish children dressed for Purim--a holiday celebrating the salvation from intended slaughter--have been copied from at 1939 photograph, enlarged to life size, and blurred, as if details of individual identity are slowly receding into memory. Paired with simple cookie tins of a sort that might hold childhood treasures or family photographs and surrounded by electric lights reminiscent of Yahrzeit (memorial) candles, each becomes a moving embodiment of lost possibility"

"Monuments (La Fête du Pourim), photographs and mixed media

Other works below from The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
"Altar to the Chases High School"
