Monday, November 23, 2020

Ronit Joy Holtz

Ronit Joy Holtz:  Israeli artist, former AP artist, AIS alum, and SCAD graduate.

An exploration of a wide range of media with very personal themes.

'6 Hills of Rome' 2018

"Inked in for a Spatial Prophecy" 2018
Acrylic, gauche, ink, oil pastel, crayon, spray paint, collage, fabric, Shabbat candle wax, anointing oil, wooden posts on canvas

"The Doorbell that rings the Middle East" Zaatar, Dead Sea Salt, Kiddush cup, light socket, teeth, door knob, soil, collage, enamel, acrylic, spray paint, and ink on panel, 60 x 40"

Note her practice, experimentation, and revision of her ideas, processes, and materials in her drawings and sketchbooks

A short documentary about Ronit. It gives very good insight into the meaning behind her work as well as provides a window into her studio and process.

link to her Exhibit HERE