Sunday, September 13, 2020

Installation Artists

Installation Artists create site specific work that invites the viewer into the space AND into the artwork to take part in and interact with the work. (Click Here for Part II of installation Artists)

Emmanuelle Moureaux "Forest of Numbers" celebrating the 10th anniversary of the National Art Center of Tokyo

Full story on My Modern Met

Hiroshi Fuji recognizes both the environmental impact and the artistic potential of discarded plastic. The works below are made up of more than 50,000 recycled toys.

The Floral Installation of Rebecca Louise Law
"The Hated Flower"

"Cold Dark Matter: An exploded view"

Tomás Saraceno at the Miami Art Museum
"Galaxies forming along filaments, like droplets along the strands of a spider's web"

Do Ho Suh: Fabric Sculpture

Néle Azevedo "Melting Man"

Chiharu Shiota from her traveling installation 'Over the Continents'

15 Installation artists with a brief explanation of the works

Tanabe Chikuunsai (and his amazing apprentices) install 'Connection' at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco